Thank you for the post. It was a good read.
Sour Grapes
they had better wine glasses at this hall, but otherwise everything was the same.
we had one at our hall last year.
so the people in the side rows get to hold the wine glass twice.
Thank you for the post. It was a good read.
Sour Grapes
i was just reading an email from rick fearon about the conference call this saturday.
i'm starting to think that some things they say are a bunch of crap.
they seem too stuck in the past and can;t seem to let go.
Six Screens is kinda creepy.
Sour Grapes
Je ne parle francaise.
Merci beaucoup,
Sour Grapes
the talk outlines for the summers conventions are only being printed over the next 2 weeks or so.. the finished outlines were ready in the middle of december 2009, however sources that i trust tell me that at least 5 of the talks were returned for last minute rewriting which is highly unusual.
this has held up the printing until now, a delay of over a month.
this is a fact!!.
They could forbid oral sex, or they could forbid holding hands during the KH
prayers, or they could demand what rooms to stay in during the summer
conventions, or they could control how short or long the sisters dresses have
to be, or they could say that the sisters can't wear pants in the freezing cold
while out selling the magazines, they could demand that beards are not allowed
even though Jesus and Russel had one, they could demand that everyone move
and sit closer toward the front of the stage at the KH, they coul demand that
they have the right to come to your house for a shepard call, they could demand
that even if you only have 15 minutes of preaching time that you count it, they
could demand what assembly you have to attend in the summer, they could
demand that while at the summer convention that you can not leave the location for lunch,
they could demand that R rated movies are off limits, they could demand that being overly
sad at the death of a loved one is an indication that you do not trust the resurrection,
they could demand that if you are sick that should not stop you from coming to the
meetings, they could demand that young people should strife to go to Bethel as they
push out of Bethel the older ones. My brain is starting to bleed.
Sour Grapes
after a year of having been out and 7 months on jwn, i like to think that i'm pretty well deprogrammed.. one thing i still have trouble with though is the mental attitude of thinking that the end is coming soon.
difficult to explain this, but its like a mental awareness that is always there no matter what.. and of course the end is not coming, i just don't know how to get my brain to realise this?!?
I thought the end came in 1975. We are now all enjoying
the rich blessing of God's spiritual paradise.
Sour Grapes
Man I love it.
Sour Grapes
the wts has announced the usual handbill invitation "campaign" for the conventions this year.
i haven't seen a copy but i assume that it will be similar to the one for congregation meetings and from previous years.
the usual 30 per publisher allocation.. i seriously wonder about the efficacy of these campaigns.
It makes the Witlesses feel needed and useful.
They also like it because there is less talking at the door.
Just a wham bham and thank you mam.
Sour Grapes
i was sitting in the back of the hall on sunday morning.
and about 30 minutes into the watchtower study two.
brothers get up to take a head count.
I was sitting in the back of the hall on Sunday morning
and about 30 minutes into the Watchtower study two
brothers get up to take a head count. It was the funniest
thing, this is a ritual at every meeting. There are about
85 in attendance. One brother stands on one side of the
Hall and counts and the other brother stands on the other
side of the Hall and he counts. I swear, that they must
have spent 6 to 10 minutes counting. How long does it
take to count to 85? Then they leave the auditorium and
go and compare notes to see had the highest count which
was another 5 minutes. This is kinda like the pioneer shuffle
just killing time. Then they walk back into the auditorium---another
job well done. One of the many theocratic privileges that are
available to God's people.
Sour Grapes
this was the title of a little side article in today's.
witchtower study.
every year they always have.
They ought to consider trying to get tithing going.
Sour Grapes
this was the title of a little side article in today's.
witchtower study.
every year they always have.
This was the title of a little side article in today's
Witchtower study. Every year they always have
a story of a child sending the Witchtower Babel and
Trick Sobriety their dimes and nickels. Well this
little article had a different twist. I am going to write
it down and see if you can see what point they are
trying to make. Here we go:
"Recently, on her own initiative, a nine year old girl
in Brazil separated the money she had saved into two
parts---18 dollars and 25 dollars. She put the smaller
amount into the contribution box at the local Kingdom
Hall to help cover expenses. Then she forwarded the
larger portion to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses,
along with a short letter."
Sour Grapes